Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Easy ways for kids to make money

Looking for an easy way to make extra money but not sure where to start?
Do you or some of your friends read or have your own blogs?

Did you know that it's possible to earn money from your own blogs - in fact, it's one of the really cool ways for kids to earn money online!

The great news is that it won't cost you anything to start - so it's ideal for you to get started making money.

All you need to do is set up your own account at You'll need to think about what your interests are - and set up a Blog related to them - or in something that you'd like to learn about.

Let me give you an example, my daughters blog is about juvenile diabetes, 'cos she's been diabetic since she was 11. She can write plenty about her experiences over the past few years (she's eighteen now) and make money doing it!

Make sure that you name your blog to let people know what it's about, my daughters blog is which makes it clear what it's about.

Then write your first post, it should read something like "Welcome to my Juvenile Diabetes blogspot. Here you'll find plenty of information about juvenile diabetes and how it feels to be a teenage diabetic."

Now publish your blog - you have your own online blog now that you can tell your friends about.

The way that you make money is that you now add "Adsense" to your blog - this involve adding the adverts from Google that you'll have seen if you've spent anytime on the internet.

You may need an adult to set up the account for you - but they're going to be so impressed that you're setting up your own easy money making venture that they're almost certain to support you.

Now all you need to do is to write a post at least weekly, daily if you wish, but NO MORE than three times a day or your blog might get banned!

You can find out more about what kind of information people are searching for at and their free trial will give you an idea of what to write about that people are looking for - and what will make you money!

Easy ways for kids to make money

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ways for kids to make extra money

If you're serious about making some money - here's a few free resources that should get you started:-

Both of these free websites are full of some great ideas for how kids can make money - why not check them out now?

Kids making money